Lincoln Green Coaches at State of the Town
December 7th at SOTT Lincoln Green Coaches ran a breakout session to answer questions about making a 5 year plan for home electrification and reducing the household carbon footprint.
A short presentation given by three residents who have improved their homes with insulation, solar, air sourced heat pumps or ground sourced heat pumps was given followed with 9 tables with information about makig a 5 year plan for getting ready for 2030. Tables included
5 Year Table
Insulation and Air Sealing
Solar + Batteries
Air Source Heat Pumps
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Electric Vehicles and Charging
Window Attachments for Insulation
Life Style: What we Eat, Wear, and Travel
Appliances: Hot Water, Cooking, Clothes Drying
Check out our Green Coach web page for the handouts.