The website of the Lincoln, MA Green Energy Committee

Air Sealing and Insulation
If you are a homeowner and utility bill-payer in Lincoln, you are eligible for a no-cost home energy assessment (HEA) every three years. This is a benefit made possible through a statewide program called Mass Save and paid for through fees on your utility bill.
During a home energy assessment, a qualified energy auditor visits your home for two to three hours to check on places where your home may not be energy efficient. The auditors identify area of potential energy loss, such as inadequate insulation, air leakage, and outdated heating and cooling systems. They conduct safety checks, identifying risks such as high carbon monoxide levels, gas leaks, mold, and flammability dangers. They also install energy-efficient devices including efficient shower heads, and programmable thermostats.
As a result of the HEA, the auditors may find that you are eligible for home energy rebates, no-interest loans, and tax credits to help you make the switch to an energy-efficient home. Incentives include 75% off approved insulation improvements, rebates up to $15,000 on energy-efficient heating, cooling, and water heating equipment, and 0% heat loan financing.
Are you a landlord, renter, or condo owner?
If there are 5 or more units in the entire complex, visit or call 800-594-7277.