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Municipal Energy Efficiency
To date, Lincoln's Green Energy Committee has made great strides toward increasing energy efficiency in municipal buildings and the Town's municipal fleet to aid in the fight against climate change.
As a Massachusetts Green Community, the Town of Lincoln has committed to a series of criteria that focus on clearing the path toward adopting renewable or alternative energy generation; establishing a municipal energy use baseline and plans to reduce energy use by 20 percent after five years; a commitment to purchasing fuel-efficient vehicles; and setting requirements to minimize life-cycle energy costs for new construction. (For more details, see this Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources progress report, published in October 2015.)
Completed projects:
Formed the Green Energy Committee (formerly Green Energy Technology Committee) in 2006 to develop and implement programs and policy recommendations for municipal operations and residential green energy efforts.
Became a designated Massachusetts Green Community in 2010, becoming eligible for state assistance and programming.
Established a Town Facilities Energy Performance Standard, better known as the "Energy bylaw", in 2011. It guides fossil fuel consumption in town renovations and construction of municipal buildings. See the Town Meeting motion that was passed.  
Installed energy-efficiency measures in the K-8 school complex, Lincoln Town Library, Town Offices, Bemis Hall, Lincoln Public Safety building, and Pierce House. Secured LEED Silver certification for Town Offices Renovations in 2015. 
Purchased an electric vehicle for the Town Administrator in 2012 through state grant funding.
Installed LED streetlights for town roadways and additional energy conservation measures in the five schools and three municipal facilities.
Installed a solar hot water system at Codman Community Farms.
Projects in progress:
Implement energy efficiency measures in Lincoln public school building renovations/new construction.
Institute an occupant behavior modification program in municipal buildings.
Install solar PV systems on Public Safety Building and at Transfer Station.
Under consideration:
Procure electric vehicles and other lower-emissions options for municipal vehicular fleet.
Develop sustainable building best practices for Lincoln property owners and developers.
Complete a greenhouse gas inventory on municipal emission.
Create and maintain a climate action plan.
Hire an energy or sustainability manager.

Bemis Hall, home to Lincoln's Council on Aging, has seen significant energy savings since being outfitted with LED light bulbs, motion sensors, and energy data monitoring thanks to grants made available through the Massachusetts Green Communities program.

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